Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Can't you hear me now

So I bought a cell phone jammer off of dealextreme.com and it came in the mail from Hong Kong about 2 weeks ago. The idea is that you press a button on this device and it's supposed to create a dead spot within a 30ft or so radius, effectively blocking cell phone signals within that range. Shit's illegal in the United States.

"Cool," I thought. Only this baby came dead on arrival. Wouldn't hold a charge, which was apparently a common problem. Serves me right for buying illegal electronics from China. I spent about the next week or so sending it back for a new one and having a back-and-forth with the English-as-a-second-language customer service reps.

Finally, a new one came back in the mail, and this thing is cool as hell. I feel like a god, terminating communication whenever and wherever I see fit. I have mostly used it at work for when there's a customer next in line on their phone and they just won't end it. Although it takes about 30 seconds or so to start working after I press the button.

They go for about 27 dollars and everything on DX has free shipping. Worth it in my opinion.



  1. Nice i remember seeing a much bigger version for 50$ that blocks out a whole city block

  2. That's so cool xD I bet it's so fun to piss people off that way..... Hahah

  3. That's pretty cheap for such a devastating device. Would probably be great in a movie theater if people are getting out of hand. Too bad it can't silence talkers or open-mouth-chewers.

  4. pretty good deal, gotta get my hands on one of those!

  5. Thats kinda dickish...

    But I like DealExtreme.

  6. too bad i'm so broke, this would troll the shit out of those bitches in my lecture hall

  7. I like this blog. I'll check back tomorrow for a new update :)

  8. Remember: every great power comes with a great responsability ¬¬

  9. That would be hilarious to carry around and mess with people!!

  10. That would be so awesome for a movie theater or something

  11. I've been looking in on this. Awesome
